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Engineering books for dummies

C++ All-in-One For Dummies

C++ is the workhorse of programming languages and remains one of the most widely used programming languages today. It's cross-platform, multi-functional, and updates are typically open-source. The language itself is object-oriented, offering you the utmost control over data usage, interface, and resource allocation. If your job involves data, C++ proficiency makes you indispensable.

C++ All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition is your number-one handbook to C++ mastery. Author John Paul Mueller is a recognized authority in the computer industry, and your ultimate guide to C++. Mueller takes you through all things C++, including information relevant to the 2014 update.


Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies

Learn to speak the Java language like the pros

Are you new to programming and have decided that Java is your language of choice? Are you a wanna-be programmer looking to learn the hottest lingo around? Look no further! Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies, 5th Edition is the easy-to-follow guide you'll want to keep in your back pocket as you work your way toward Java mastery! In plain English, it quickly and easily shows you what goes into creating a program, how to put the pieces together, ways to deal with standard programming challenges, and so much more.

Whether you're just tooling around or embarking on a career, this is the ideal resource you'll turn to again and again as you perfect your understanding of the nuances of this popular programming language. Packed with tons of step-by-step instruction, this is the only guide you need to start programming with Java like a pro.


HTML5 and CSS3 All-in-One For Dummies

HTML5 and CSS3 are essential tools for creating dynamic websites and boast updates and enhanced features that can make your websites even more effective and unique. This friendly, all-in-one guide covers everything you need to know about each of these technologies and their latest versions so that you can use them together. Building on the bestselling formats of the first two editions, this new edition teaches you the fundamentals of HTML5 and CSS3, and then presents ways for using them with JavaScript, MySQL, and Ajax to create websites that work.


MATLAB For Dummies

Plot graphs, solve equations, and write code in a flash!

If you work in a STEM field, chances are you'll be using MATLAB on a daily basis. MATLAB is a popular and powerful computational tool and this book provides everything you need to start manipulating and plotting your data. MATLAB has rapidly become the premier data tool, and MATLAB For Dummies is a comprehensive guide to the fundamentals. MATLAB For Dummies guides you through this complex computational language from installation to visualization to automation.

  • Learn MATLAB's language fundamentals including syntax, operators, and data types
  • Understand how to use the most important window in MATLAB – the Command Window
  • Get the basics of linear algebra to get up and running with vectors, matrices, and hyperspace
  • Automate your work with programming scripts and functions
  • Plot graphs in 2D and 3D to visualize your data
  • Includes a handy guide for MATLAB's functions and plotting routines

MATLAB is an essential part of the analysis arsenal and MATLAB For Dummies provides clear, thorough guidance to get the most out of your data.


Mechanics of Materials For Dummies

Your ticket to excelling in mechanics of materials

With roots in physics and mathematics, engineering mechanics is the basis of all the mechanical sciences: civil engineering, materials science and engineering, mechanical engineering, and aeronautical and aerospace engineering.

Tracking a typical undergraduate course, Mechanics of Materials For Dummies gives you a thorough introduction to this foundational subject. You'll get clear, plain-English explanations of all the topics covered, including principles of equilibrium, geometric compatibility, and material behavior; stress and its relation to force and movement; strain and its relation to displacement; elasticity and plasticity; fatigue and fracture; failure modes; application to simple engineering structures, and more.


Coding All-in-One For Dummies

See all the things coding can accomplish

The demand for people with coding know-how exceeds the number of people who understand the languages that power technology. Coding All-in-One For Dummies gives you an ideal place to start when you're ready to add this valuable asset to your professional repertoire. Whether you need to learn how coding works to build a web page or an application or see how coding drives the data revolution, this resource introduces the languages and processes you'll need to know.

Peek inside to quickly learn the basics of simple web languages, then move on to start thinking like a professional coder and using languages that power big applications. Take a look inside for the steps to get started with updating a website, creating the next great mobile app, or exploring the world of data science. Whether you're looking for a complete beginner's guide or a trusted resource for when you encounter problems with coding, there's something for you!


Electronics All-in-One For Dummies

A comprehensive collection of 8 books in 1 offering electronics guidance that can't be found anywhere else!

If you know a breadboard from a breadbox but want to take your hobby electronics skills to the next level, this is the only reference you need. Electronics All-in-One For Dummies has done the legwork for you ― offering everything you need to enhance your experience as an electronics enthusiast in one convenient place.

Written by electronics guru and veteran For Dummies author Doug Lowe, this down-to-earth guide makes it easy to grasp such important topics as circuits, schematics, voltage, and safety concerns. Plus, it helps you have tons of fun getting your hands dirty working with the Raspberry Pi, creating special effects, making your own entertainment electronics, repairing existing electronics, learning to solder safely, and so much more.


Circuit Analysis For Dummies

Circuits overloaded from electric circuit analysis?

Many universities require that students pursuing a degree in electrical or computer engineering take an Electric Circuit Analysis course to determine who will "make the cut" and continue in the degree program. Circuit Analysis For Dummies will help these students to better understand electric circuit analysis by presenting the information in an effective and straightforward manner.

Circuit Analysis For Dummies gives you clear-cut information about the topics covered in an electric circuit analysis courses to help further your understanding of the subject. By covering topics such as resistive circuits, Kirchhoff's laws, equivalent sub-circuits, and energy storage, this book distinguishes itself as the perfect aid for any student taking a circuit analysis course.


Beginning Programming All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies

So you want to be a programmer? Or maybe you just want to be able to make your computer do what YOU want for a change? Maybe you enjoy the challenge of identifying a problem and solving it. If programming intrigues you for whatever reason, Beginning Programming All In One Desk Reference For Dummies is like having a starter programming library all in one handy, if beefy, book.

In this practical guide, you’ll find out about compiling, algorithms, best practices, debugging your programs, and much more. The concepts are illustrated in several different programming languages, so you’ll get a feel for the variety of languages and the needs they fill. Seven minibooks cover:


Photovoltaic Design & Installation For Dummies

Photovoltaic Design and Installation For Dummies (9781119544357) was previously published as Photovoltaic Design and Installation For Dummies (9780470598931). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.

The fun and easy way to get a grip on photovoltaic design and installation

Designing and installing solar panel systems is a trend that continues to grow. With 'green collar' jobs on the rise and homeowners looking for earth-friendly ways to stretch their dollars and lesson their carbon imprint, understanding photovoltaic design and installation is on the rise.

Photovoltaic Design & Installation For Dummies gives you a comprehensive overview of the history, physics, design, installation, and operation of home-scale solar-panel systems. You'll also get an introduction to the foundational mathematic and electrical concepts you need to understand and work with photovoltaic systems. 


Thermodynamics For Dummies

Take some heat off the complexity of thermodynamics

Does the mere thought of thermodynamics make you sweat? It doesn't have to! This hands-on guide helps you score your highest in a thermodynamics course by offering easily understood, plain-English explanations of how energy is used in things like automobiles, airplanes, air conditioners, and electric power plants.

  • Thermodynamics 101 ― take a look at some examples of both natural and man-made thermodynamic systems and get a handle on how energy can be used to perform work

  • Turn up the heat ― discover how to use the first and second laws of thermodynamics to determine (and improve upon) the efficiency of machines

  • Oh, behave ― get the 411 on how gases behave and relate to one another in different situations, from ideal-gas laws to real gases

  • Burn with desire ― find out everything you need to know about conserving mass and energy in combustion processes


Networking All-in-One For Dummies

Becoming a master of networking has never been easier

Whether you're in charge of a small network or a large network, Networking All-in-One is full of the information you’ll need to set up a network and keep it functioning. Fully updated to capture the latest Windows 10 releases through Spring 2018, this is the comprehensive guide to setting up, managing, and securing a successful network.

Inside, nine minibooks cover essential, up-to-date information for networking in systems such as Windows 10 and Linux, as well as best practices for security, mobile and cloud-based networking, and much more. 


Machining For Dummies

Start a successful career in machining

Metalworking is an exciting field that's currently experiencing a shortage of qualified machinists―and there's no time like the present to capitalize on the recent surge in manufacturing and production opportunities. Covering everything from lathe operation to actual CNC programming, Machining For Dummies provides you with everything it takes to make a career for yourself as a skilled machinist.

Written by an expert offering real-world advice based on experience in the industry, this hands-on guide begins with basic topics like tools, work holding, and ancillary equipment, then goes into drilling, milling, turning, and other necessary metalworking processes. You'll also learn about robotics and new developments in machining technology that are driving the future of manufacturing and the machining market.


Signals and Systems For Dummies

Getting mixed signals in your signals and systems course?

The concepts covered in a typical signals and systems course are often considered by engineering students to be some of the most difficult to master. Thankfully, Signals & Systems For Dummies is your intuitive guide to this tricky course, walking you step-by-step through some of the more complex theories and mathematical formulas in a way that is easy to understand.

From Laplace Transforms to Fourier Analyses, Signals & Systems For Dummies explains in plain English the difficult concepts that can trip you up. Perfect as a study aid or to complement your classroom texts, this friendly, hands-on guide makes it easy to figure out the fundamentals of signal and system analysis.


Nanotechnology For Dummies 

The bestselling introductory guide on nanotechnology?now revised and updated

The world of nanotechnology is ever changing and evolving; this fun and friendly guide demystifies the topic for anyone interested in how molecule-sized machines and processes affect our everyday lives. The authors begin with explaining the background of nanotechnology and then examine industries that are affected by this technology. Aiming to educate and simultaneously dispel common myths, the book explores the many nanotechnology-enabled consumer products available on the market today, ranging from socks to face lotion to jet skis to floor cleaners, to name a few.


Arduino For Dummies

Bring your ideas to life with the latest Arduino hardware and software

Arduino is an affordable and readily available hardware development platform based around an open source, programmable circuit board. You can combine this programmable chip with a variety of sensors and actuators to sense your environment around you and control lights, motors, and sound. This flexible and easy-to-use combination of hardware and software can be used to create interactive robots, product prototypes and electronic artwork, whether you’re an artist, designer or tinkerer.

Arduino For Dummies is a great place to start if you want to find out about Arduino and make the most of its incredible capabilities. It helps you become familiar with Arduino and what it involves, and offers inspiration for completing new and exciting projects.


Organic Chemistry II For Dummies

A plain-English guide to one of the toughest courses around

So, you survived the first semester of Organic Chemistry (maybe even by the skin of your teeth) and now it's time to get back to the classroom and lab! Organic Chemistry II For Dummies is an easy-to-understand reference to this often challenging subject.

Thanks to this book, you'll get friendly and comprehensible guidance on everything you can expect to encounter in your Organic Chemistry II course.

  • An extension of the successful Organic Chemistry I For Dummies
  • Covers topics in a straightforward and effective manner
  • Explains concepts and terms in a fast and easy-to-understand way

Whether you're confused by composites, baffled by biomolecules, or anything in between, Organic Chemistry II For Dummies gives you the help you need â€• in plain English!


AutoCAD For Dummies

Simple steps for creating AutoCAD drawings

AutoCAD is the ubiquitous tool used by engineers, architects, designers, and urban planners to put their ideas on paper. It takes some AutoCAD know-how to go from a brilliant idea to a drawing that properly explains how brilliant your idea is.

AutoCAD For Dummies helps you de-mystify the handy software and put the tools in AutoCAD to use. Written by an experienced AutoCAD engineer and mechanical design instructor, it assumes no previous computer-aided drafting experience as it walks you through the basics of starting projects and drawing straight lines all the way up through 3D modeling.


Robot Building For Dummies

Find out how to build your own robot and program it to perform tasks

Ready to enter the robot world? This book is your passport! It walks you through building your very own little metal assistant from a kit, dressing it up, giving it a brain, programming it to do things, even making it talk. Along the way, you'll gather some tidbits about robot history, enthusiasts' groups, and more.

The Dummies Way
* Explanations in plain English
* "Get in, get out" information
* Icons and other navigational aids
* Tear-out cheat sheet
* Top ten lists
* A dash of humor and fun


Python For Dummies

Python is one of the most powerful, easy-to-read programming languages around, but it does have its limitations. This general purpose, high-level language that can be extended and embedded is a smart option for many programming problems, but a poor solution to others.

Python For Dummies is the quick-and-easy guide to getting the most out of this robust program. This hands-on book will show you everything you need to know about building programs, debugging code, and simplifying development, as well as defining what actions it can perform. You’ll wrap yourself around all of its advanced features and become an expert Python user in no time.


Optics For Dummies

The easy way to shed light on Optics

In general terms, optics is the science of light. More specifically, optics is a branch of physics that describes the behavior and properties of light?including visible, infrared, and ultraviolet?and the interaction of light with matter.

Optics For Dummies gives you an approachable introduction to optical science, methods, and applications. You'll get plain-English explanations of the nature of light and optical effects; reflection, refraction, and diffraction; color dispersion; optical devices, industrial, medical, and military applications; as well as laser light fundamentals.

  • Tracks a typical undergraduate optics course
  • Detailed explanations of concepts and summaries of equations
  • Valuable tips for study from college professors

If you're taking an optics course for your major in physics or engineering, let Optics For Dummies shed light on the subject and help you succeed!


Fabricating For Dummies

People have been hammering metal into shields, cookware, and ceremonial headdresses for centuries, and fabrication continues to be a popular and growing industry today. Fabricating For Dummies provides you with all the information you need to begin learning about metalworking, or fill any gaps in your existing knowledge in order to advance your career.

Simply put, there's little out there for light reading on manufacturing. What's available is often quite expensive, so boring it puts you to sleep, or filled with so much technical gobbledygook that one's eyes glaze over within a few pages. This book offers a much-needed alternative, cutting through the jargon and getting right to the heart of what you need to know to take your fab skills to fabulous new heights.

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